Seren is a fresh development that is very much in beta right now. But it is looking like it could be something special.
You need to know that only Real-Debrid (our recommendation) or
premium link options are available at this time. We hope that this may extend to free scrapers in time.
There is some seriously clever functionality going on in the background of this add-on which speeds the whole process up.
Trakt is also included for your convenience. Expect a few bugs warns the developer, but for now, enjoy.
Launch the Seren Kodi addon.
Navigate to Tools > Open Settings Menu
Go to the Accounts tab and click on Authorize Trakt (if wanted) and follow the instructions on the screen.
on Enable Premiumize (if wanted) and Enable Real Debrid (if wanted) and
follow the instructions to sync your accounts to the addon.
Go to the Providers tab and click on Install From Web URL
Type in and click OK
A prompt will come up asking if you’d like to install the scrapers. Press Install and then press OK after they are done.
Seren categories are :- Discover Movies -
Discover TV Shows -
Search -
How to install Seren Add-on for Kodi 17 Krypton
- Kodi 17 Krypton download.
- HOME Screen > Add-ons > Settings button
> Enable Unknown Sources.
- BACK to HOME screen > Settings button
File Manager
> Add Source.
- Enter in the top box
- Enter NIXGATES in the bottom box > Click OK.
- BACK to HOME screen > Add-Ons > Add-on Browser

- Install from zip file > NIXGATES >
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification.
- Install from repository > Nixgates Repo >
(Video/Music/Program) add-ons > Seren > Install.
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification.
- Congratulations, your Seren Add-on is now installed